Welcome to our VORG culinary adventure!

Here you’ll discover a treasure trove of delightful dishes and beverages, each featuring the most healthy boosting powders that you can bring to the table.

So, let’s embark on a flavor-packed journey and uncover the endless possibilities that our VORG Superfoods powders can add to your culinary creations.

Get ready to savor the savory, sip the extraordinary, and nourish your body and mind – it’s time to dive into the world of delicious and wholesome possibilities!

vorg shake it

Shake It

Mix it into your protein shakes for an instant supplemental & nutritional super boost!

vorg mix it

Mix It

Infuse it into your pancake batter, cookies, or any other wholesome recipe and unleash the power of your daily superfood infusion!

vorg blend

Blend It

Blend it seamlessly into your smoothie, sauce, or any tantalizing liquid libation, and witness the birth of your own superfood "elixir of vitality"!

vorg sprinkle

Sprinkle It

Sprinkle this enchanting essence onto your salad or infuse it into your dressing, ushering forth a kaleidoscope of flavors for the ultimate salad symphony!

VORG Smoothies

Berry Best SuperShake

The Berry Best SuperShake

2 cups frozen mixed berries.
2 bananas.
2-3 cups vegan milk or liquid of your choice.
1 Large Scoop (14g) of VORG Supershake.

Optional: A tablespoon of chia seeds for omega-3s and fiber.

Instructions: Place all ingredients into your blender, Then add your liquids, and VORG powder lastly on top. Blend at a high speed until desired consistency.

Tropical Green Supershake

The Original Green SuperShake

1 avocado.
1 banana.
1 stock of celery
1 green apple.
1 slice of lemon.
2-3 cups of juice or coconut water.
1 Large Scoop (14g) of VORG Supershake or Super Greens.

Instructions: Place all ingredients into your blender, Then add your liquids, and VORG powder lastly on top. Blend at a high speed until desired consistency.

Berry Blast Supershake

SuperBeauty Smoothie

2 bananas.
2 cups of mixed berries (strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, frozen or fresh).
3 Scoops (14g) of VORG SuperBeauty powder.
2-3 cups vegan milk or liquid of your choice.

Optional: A handful of spinach (for extra nutrients).

Instructions: Place all ingredients into your blender, Then add your liquids, and VORG powder lastly on top. Blend at a high speed until desired consistency.

Original Green SuperShake

Tropical Green Supershake Smoothie

1 large scoop (14g) of VORG Supershake or SuperGreens.
2-3 cups of coconut water or almond milk.
1 cup spinach or kale.
1 cup pineapple chunks.
1 cup mango chunks.

Optional: A tablespoon of chia seeds for omega-3s and fiber.

Instructions: Place all ingredients into your blender, Then add your liquids, and VORG powder lastly on top. Blend at a high speed until desired consistency.

Peanut Butter Banana Supershake

Peanut Butter Banana Supershake Smoothie

1 large scoop (14g) of VORG SuperShake powder or SuperBeauty powder.
1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based).
2 large bananas.
1 tablespoon organic peanut butter.
3 dates.
A dash of cinnamon.

Optional: Ice cubes (for a colder smoothie).

Instructions: Place all ingredients into your blender, Then add your liquids, and VORG powder lastly on top. Blend at a high speed until desired consistency.

Milkshake SuperMellow

SuperMellow MilkShake

2 bananas.
1 cup unsweetened almond milk.
1 tbsp honey (or maple syrup for vegan option).
½ tsp lavender buds.
½ tsp dried chamomile.
1 scoop (5g) SuperMellow powder.

Optional: Ice cubes (for a colder smoothie).

Instructions: Place all ingredients into your blender, Then add your liquids, and VORG powder lastly on top. Blend at a high speed until desired consistency.


Vorgaccino Iced

Vorgaccino Iced

1 cup of brewed coffee, cooled.
1 scoop of VORGaccino powder.
1 tablespoon of honey (or to taste).
1 tablespoon of unsalted butter.
Ice cubes.
A pinch of salt.
Freshly made cashew milk (to taste).

Vorgaccino coffee

Vorgaccino Latte

1 cup of brewed coffee.
1 Scoop of VORG-Accino powder.
1 tablespoon of honey (or to taste).
1/2 cup of Freshly made milk almond or cashew milk).
A pinch of salt
Ground cinnamon or cocoa powder for garnish.

Vorgaccino hot coffee

Vorgaccino Hot Coffee

1 cup of brewed coffee.
1 Scoop of VORG-Accino powder
1 tablespoon of honey (or to taste).
1/2 cup of Freshly made milk almond or cashew milk).
Ground cinnamon or cocoa.
A pinch of salt.
Powder for garnish .

VORG Foods

SuperShake Pancakes

The Super Hero Pancakes

1 cup all-purpose flour (or a gluten-free alternative if preferred).
1 large scoop (14g) of VORG Supershake powder.
1 tablespoon of Honey
2 teaspoons baking powder.
½ teaspoon salt.
2 eggs or Vegan replacement.
1 cup milk (dairy or plant-based).
2 tablespoons melted butter or oil.


1 tablespoons of Almond Butter.

Vanilla extract for added flavor

vorg recipe salad

SuperGreens Veggie Salad

2 cups mixed greens (spinach, kale, arugula).
1 cucumber, thinly sliced.
1 carrot, grated.
1 avocado, diced.
¼ cup parsley, chopped.
2 tbsp sprouted sunflower seeds.

1 scoop (5g) SuperGreens powder.
3 tbsp olive oil.
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar.
1 tsp mustard.
1 tsp honey (or agave for vegan).
Salt and pepper to taste.

Vorg recipe pizza

The SuperMellow Mushrooms Pizza

1 scoop (5g) of SuperMellow powder mix into your pizza dough (store-bought or homemade).
1 tbsp olive oil.
1 cup sliced mixed mushrooms.
½ red onion, thinly sliced.
1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
or substitute (vegan option available).
¼ cup goat cheese, crumbled
(optional, omit for vegan version).
½ cup tomato sauce.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Fresh arugula for garnish.